So at like 10 last night, Jennifer and I realized we were starving. We took off toward rue Ordener, the street we usually take to the Metro, in search of dinner. We came across a little cafe that is open 24/7!

We both ordered soupe a l'oignon and dessert.

Mmmmmmm. It was just as good as it looks.
Jennifer opted for creme brulee, and I obviously got chocolate mousse. It looks gross, but it's chocolate mousse, what do you expect? It was incredibly rich and I only managed to eat about half before giving myself a stomach ache.

Forgive the lighting, it was embarrassing enough that I was taking pictures of my food, I didn't need a flash going off at the same time.
Then I took a picture of our street, rue Montcalm

And the most embarrassing picture of all

This is me pretending that I'm opening the door. In fact, our lock is broken and it doesn't close. Luckily we're in the next building back.
damn that shit looks delicious!
jack says your picture of the chocolate mousse looks disgusting. i really like the onion soup though.
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