Saturday, November 29, 2008

C'Tis the Season!

So, I had great intentions of updating about my sisters' visit while they were here, but I forgot my camera cord at the apartment. I could have gone to get it, but the hotel we were staying at was by school, which is like 45 minutes from my apartment and it didn't seem worth it to me. So now I have a lot of pictures to upload, lots of entries to write, and lots of resting to do, because I'm getting sick.

But it's starting to look like Christmas here (decorations are up! It snowed last weekend!) and so I am in the holiday spirit. You may or may not know that I LOVE Christmas. I really, really do. So I picked a few of my favorite songs from the 220 song (yes, literally) Christmas Music playlist, and created a little mix for you all.

(click for the larger version)

The songs aren't in any real order, but they're either some of my favorite songs, favorite artists, or songs that remind me of friends and family. If you know how to download mixes, enjoy! Just follow the think to the MediaFire page, and click on the link to download. I used MediaFire all the time and I promise it won't destroy your computer.

Anyway, enjoy!
C'Tis the Season!

And I promise I am working on pictures and real blogs in the very near future

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