So far already:
- Italy
- Okkervil River concert (great but not epic, and I don't have pictures so it's not really worth its own entry)
- Election night!
- David Sedaris (also great! He read his piece from The New Yorker on undecided voters, as well as a piece he wrote for This American Life about living abroad and he was super super super nice. Village Voice is really tiny and he totally walked around the store even though it was PACKED so he could sign books for people in the crowd both before and after.
Please note the fact that one of those windows is filled with political books and a sign that says, "Thank You Obama, Thank You America" (click the image for a huge version)
We even went next door to Coffee Parisien [an American-style restaurant where I had my first bacon cheese burger in over 2 months with these sweet placemats:
And coming up:
-ridiculous amounts of school work
-Wine Expo for 2 days
-THE TWINS THE TWINS THE TWINS (I do not think I have ever been so excited to see my sisters, seriously)
-Thanksgiving dinner with the Smits
Yeah, this is my planner for the month (keep in mind only the very VERY important school work is included, not normal essays or small-scale presentations or homework)
(click for a giant version)
It should go by pretty quickly! Which I don't really think is a good thing...
You're quick girl. David pics coming soon...
WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT? WHY NOT ME? do you think he is still here in Paris? Or back to his french country home. oh david.
WE HAVE THE SAME PLANNER. I totally forgot and then I remembered, and I was like "awwww..."
I miss you.
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