I wish I had pictures to share, but I didn't actually take any yesterday, and I haven't uploaded any since Rouen. So if that's a deal-breaker for you, sorry. My computer is on the brink of death, so I'm not even sure how many more pictures you'll be getting from me in the coming (OMG 6!!!!) days. I'm trying not to temp fate by overwhelming it with uploading pictures (though I do have a few from Rouen).
On Thursday after class I FINALLY made it over to Centre Pompidou. I walk past this building at least twice a day, at least four days a week, and I didn't actually go inside until I was 10 days away from the end of my time in Paris. The place is HUGE. I mean, it's not Louvre-scale, and the whole building isn't solely dedicated to gallery space (there is also a library, restaurants, gift shops, etc etc) but even so, the collection is huge and we bought tickets to the temporary exhibits (one on Futurism and a collection of Jacques Villeglé, who does work with ripped posters). It was exhausting and overwhelming, and by the time we'd worked our way almost through we were thrilled to find a couch in the corner of the Futurism exhibit. Melanie, Lia and I settled in for an hour just chatting and enjoying the break from the museum.
By some weird coincidence, after leaving Pompidou, Lia and I bumped into our other roommate Vicky and her boyfriend Stephane! So we all went out for dinner near the museum to get out of the cold for a bit, before heading back home.
Friday I met up with Melanie again, as well as Cassandra, who we met at Thanksgiving dinner. We were all trying to find some souvenirs and gifts before we head back to the states, so we met near Pigalle and hit up some of the tourist shops before sitting down for a cup of coffee.
After coffee we left Cassandra because Melanie and I were going ICE SKATING! CEA paid for us to go, so why not? I planned on going for like 20 minutes and then leaving to grab dinner, but I had a blast! It was mildly ridiculous in that they were playing Snoop Dogg while we were ice skating. I had forgotten that ice skating on indoor rinks is WAY EASIER than outdoors. Then at 8pm it turned into disco skating and they had the crazy lights and weird techno-y music. Hilarious.
I took pictures, but with the whole computer situation isn't going well. I actually started writing this blog like 3 days ago and yeah... it's not done.

Here is a picture someone else took, don't I just look graceful? I didn't fall though!
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