Too bad I was sick. I was actually supposed to go to the wine expo again on Friday, but that didn't happen. Instead I sent the twins off to check out the Rodin museum and I slept in for a few hours.

I guess it was pretty nice.
Then they called me and we met up near my apartment for lunch. We ate at a restaurant at the corner of my street that I'd heard good things about but hadn't actually been to. The guy there didn't speak any English, and we didn't really know what was good, but we went with what we knew. Hayley and I got steak and Amelia got an omelet. It was awesome to hear Amelia order the "jamon" (as in the soft, Spanish j) instead of the French jambon, she must be practicing for Cuba. It was good, no pictures though (I really slacked on the food pics while they were here!)
Then we wanted to go up to Montmartre to pick up some souvenirs for Amelia's friends, but we were feeling especially lazy so instead of the 10-minute uphill walk, we hopped the metro to Abbesses and took the funicular.

With the souvenirs obtained, we then took the funicular back DOWN (lazy? maybe.) and headed off to achieve my one and only goal for my time in Paris. The Catacombs. Long story short on the Catacombs is that there are a bunch of dead displaced bones from Parisian cemeteries that were dug up. I have wanted to go to the catacombs since my first trip to Paris five years ago, and when we came back last summer it was at the top of my must-see list, but since I was traveling with first time visitors, they were more interested in other things. So this trip, literally the ONLY goal I had on my list was the catacombs.
It was dark and wet and smelled like dirt but it was AWESOME! The pictures are super dark, but obviously flash isn't allowed for taking photos of human bones.

There was a light shining on these, obviously
I may totally go to hell for enjoying this so much, but I tried to be as respectful as possible. I enjoyed it so much that these pictures have their own slideshow.
After the catacombs we headed the the Champs Elysees AGAIN, this time it hit up Laduree one last time. The twins needed to get macarons for their friends back home. I'm sure they probably weren't as good by the time they reached the states, but there are far worse souvenirs than a Laduree macarons.
When we finished up there we hit up one of my old favorites, Palais de Tokyo. Palais de Tokyo also boasts one of the best views of the Eiffel Tower, so you know we took the time for a photo-op

Then we went inside. I really loved Palais de Tokyo, the twins were less excited about it than I was. In Mel's defense, she hates modern and contemporary art, and knew right off the bat she wouldn't enjoy this. Hayley liked it, she just wasn't as into it as I am. I took a picture of the Burry Man this time

There was an exhibit dealing with cultural practices of rural English towns. Apparently some small town in England has a Burry Man festival. There is also a (separate, for some reason) penis of the Burry Man, but I didn't get a picture of that. I wasn't even sure if photography was allowed, so I didn't want to push my luck.
The twins final meal in Paris was pizza. Yep, Italian food in France. I do not regret it. There's a restaurant in the Marais that has really good pizza, and Amelia was craving pizza, so that was that. Since it was the last dinner together we even had Cokes AND dessert. Obviously I had tiramisu. We live wildly.
Here comes the massive slideshow:
I miss my sistahs.
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