Yeah, we took myspace pictures at the Picasso museum. Honestly, I think the experience was somewhat wasted on us, as none of us are particularly big fans of Picasso. The museum is like 3 blocks from my school, though, so I'm glad I got to go.
Next I dragged the girls through the Marais. We stopped in a little accessories shop and picked up some gifts (I got new bracelets) and then walked over to rue de Rosiers for falafel.
One of my sisters happened to be wearing a scarf that resembled a keffiyah, and the guy at l'As du Falafel said she should take it off because it's "a family restaurant." Oops. Anyway, I took them to l'As du Falafel and neither of them even tried falafel, they had schwarma. When we left we ran into my friend Alison with her friends AGAIN! Which makes sense, I guess, since we're all tourists in Paris, but it was still funny. Also funny: our lit professor has trouble telling Alison and I apart. Pretty sure it's the wavy brown hair.
We had planned on going to the Centre Pompidou after that, because I still haven't been, but apparently Amelia has an exreme hatred of modern and contemporary art. So we killed that idea, and decided to go to the Jeu de Paume. Pretty sure the Jeu de Paume is my favorite museum in Paris. They had a Lee Milled exhibit. I wasn't familiar with her before, but I really enjoyed the exhibit. After the Jeu de Paume we headed up to Montmartre to meet up with my roommate Lia and her husband Yuriy, who was visiting from California. We had reservations for this fondue restaurant, but I managed to get us lost like twice in the 3 blocks between the metro and the restaurant. My impeccable sense of direction seems to fail me here.
Reservations at le Refuge des Fondues are recommended, but not really worth anything. We stood outside for about 10 minutes until they let people in. This place serves fondue, obviously, but you choose either cheese or meat. No menus. So the waiter came and pointed at each of us asking what we wanted. Hayley said cheese, Amelia said cheese, Lia said cheese, I said cheese, and Yuriy said cheese. Then, after the waiter left, Yuriy asked what we were doing. We explained we asked for cheese fondue rather than meat. Yuriy didn't understand, so he had to flag down the waiter and ask for meat.

Amelia and her kir
Then he brought out the little plate of food to eat with our kirs.

They also serve wine in baby bottles here, with such a wide variety of options as "white" or "red." When the waiter came to take our wine orders, Hayley said white, Amelia said white, Lia said white, I said red, and Yuriy said white. Again, after the waiter left, Yuriy asked what we were doing. Again, explained to him that we were ordering wine. AGAIN, Yuriy said the wrong thing! And so he had to flag down the waiter to ask for red.
After we finished our kirs, they brought our fondue and wine

Yuriy's meat

Cheeeeeese fondue
Wine! In my defense, this picture was taken at the end of the meal

Hayley and Amelia with their bottles

By the time we finished eating we had to scrap our original plan of getting profiteroles, because it was getting late and we needed to catch the metro. Very sad.
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